Saturday, January 28, 2006

Cool Your Jets 3

This is another version of a piece I originally did for a sister-blog called Sketch-o-Rama. It is a place where myself and a few fellow American Greetings employees post new artwork from time to time. This "assignment" was a chick with a machine and/or vehicle. Check out other works of wonder at Sketch-o-Rama! (Look for it in the Links section of this blog...)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Presenting; Pebbles!

Thought I would take a break from King Kong and Monster Hunter to post some shots of a few sculptures I have done over the years. As I might have mentioned earlier, I worked for years as a professional toy, model and collectable sculptor. Some of the images that follow represent a small fraction of the work I have done over the past 15 years. Some of these pieces are contract work, while others are personal projects that I produced and sold at Model Kit and Toy Conventions.
First up is a piece I call Pebbles the Cavegirl. She is about 11 inches tall and bustin' out all over. Yes, my friends. This is Fred's little girl all growed up!
Pebbles was produced around 1998 and sold at a number of Garage Kit shows I attended across the United States in the years following. She came with an "optional" snap-on bra, (which most people seemed to disregard when assembling). The bra was included for all those kid-friendly collector toy shows the kit was displayed at.
I got alittle tired of being slapped by all those angry mommies when Pebbles first appeared in all her topless glory.

Beach Blanket Beastie!

Here is one of my first sculpts. It was produced as a limited edition resin model kit. This SOB has outsold any other piece I have ever produced on my own. I still recieve inquiries from fans trying to locate a copy. It is based on a real cool illustration I did for a t-shirt design. When I find a copy of the art, I will post it as well.

Geometric Models Creature From The Black Lagoon

One of my favorite old Universal horror films, and one of my all-time favorite monster designs. This was a dream come true when I got the contract to do this job. This film is in the process of being remade, and this beastie is gonna be a tough one to beat!!

Ploar Lights/Toys-R-Us Classic Godzilla 1954

This was done a few years back as an exclusive for Toys-R-Us. It's about 18 inches tall, and was produced in styrene. I am a long-time Godzilla and monster movie fan, so this job was a hoot.

Conglomeron Prototype

Here is a rough sculpt I did for an action figure of my patchwork creation: Conglomeron. This was done before I really started sculpting professionally. It is helped in the extreme by a masterful paintjob from Mr. James Elliott.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Monster Hunter Project: continued...

In early 2002 I got the itch to write up a screenplay. I had some limited experience after having written a number of CD rom interactive scripts, comic book stories and even a couple internet comedy skits that ran on the American Greetings website. I have read many books on writing screenplays, and read many published scripts from my favorite films. One of these books I would highly recommend is the published version of the script to the film "The Shawshank Redemption" written by Frank Darabont (who also directed the film) and based on the Stephen King story. I had the pleasure of meeting Frank in person many years ago and had a wonderful dinner, beers and a cigar at his house with him and his houseguest, artist Bernie Wrightson. Frank's work has been a continued inspiration to me over the years.
Anyway, after over a year or so of long nights at the keyboard, I finished my script. It is titled "Monster Hunter" (for now) and is of course based on the same characters and basic plotline that I had created as a toy concept while at the Zillion Concepts studio. Over the last couple years I have tweaked it, edited it, and rewritten entire scenes. A few months back I shipped it to a west coast entertainment rep I know, and crossed my fingers.
As part of the process I created a number of large pencil drawings of key characters and scenes. Above is an illustration of the main villain of my tale. His name is Baron Elexia Wroclaw, and behind him looms his artificially created pet: Conglomeron.
I got ambitious last year and wanted some prices for producing some vinyl toys based on my creations. I drew up a couple rough orthographics of my main hero Aden, and his nemesis: Conglomeron so I could get a price from an overseas vendor. What follows is a few of the drawings I generated in the process. I have since got sidetracked on other projects, but hope to still produce these toys in the future.

Design sketches

These are the initial concept drawings I did for the proposed Monster Hunter: Aden and Conglomeron figures.