Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Guillermo Del Toro: In The Service of Monsters Gallery Show

Here is my painting, and the promotional poster for the Guillermo Del Toro: In The Service of Monsters Gallery Show to be held on September 11th at Gallery 88 West in L.A. California. This painting measures 18 by 24 inches, and is acrylic on canvas done in a fun, pseudo sepia tone palette. The line up of talent for this show is amazing....so proud to be a part of it!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

B.C. Blasters

Howdy! Check out the schematics and sculptures for my new toy line called: B.C.Blasters. There will be five in all, with the prototypes premiering at the Toy Art Gallery in L.A. on May 16th. The concept and designs are all me, but these awesome little sculpts are by the talented Jorge McSweeny (Macsorro). B.C. there or B.C. square!