One particularly interesting tertiary character in my screenplay is an ancient, legendary Celtic Vampire Warlord named Mangus Vladix. Here is an excerpt from my character profile included with all my script submissions.
Sixth Century Ireland and it’s surrounding provinces became the feeding ground for the vicious Celtic Vampire Warlord, Mangus Vladix. Vladix and his godless band of pirates, thieves and cutthroats began drinking the blood of their prisoners as a source of sustenance during their numerous nomadic raids. They angered and offended so many ageless gods of the ancient world that they became cursed to live eternally as undead vampiric monsters, now dependent on the blood that they had so arbitrarily sought. In the early 20th Century, Baron Elexia Wroclaw’s archeological task-forces unearthed the tomb of the evil Warlord Mangus Vladix. His ancient stone coffin was shipped to the Wroclaw Institute in upstate New York, where the revived monster attacked Professor Tierra Accord and her assistant Drew Addison working at that facility. Fortunately Aden arrived in time to save Tierra’s life, and kill the savage Celtic Vampire.
Or so he thought.
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