Here is a drawing I did of the omnipotent Emperor of Frankenstein's Planet. He is flanked by his two most trusted bodyguards, and has in his possession hero Artemus Axel's flight helmet, which is the astronauts only means of communication with the world he used to know.
I created a triptik version of this illustration as well by combining it with my two earlier freak warriors.
Damn Mr. Groman these are bad-ass! Love the design of the top image. Can't wait to see more freak designs...
WOW! I'd be first in line to see the movie!
great job on both drawings and design work. and thanks for the insight on how you started the initial line drawings. not sure if you answered this on another question I asked a while back, but how does the color get added in below the lines? are they cut out and pasted on a separate layer? your talent is fascinating. give us more!
tyler j.
Thanks, Tyler J!
The line is actually blue violet prisma color pencil scanned into Photoshop. There I knock out the color with the hue/saturation setting. I put the line art on a separate layer and hit multiply in the layers menu, making my line art layer transparent. Then I begin to color all figurtive and background setting elements on a series of layers all beneath my line art layer. I am known for using tons of layers in my art, and this piece had about 80 layers of color. This gives me the best control over everything separately. Highlights, shadows, skin tones and such all being on their own, respective layers.
This is your cousin Dave from Texas, great stuff as always. You've been blowing my mind since you were about six.
I would like to talk to you about something I am working on.
Holy Moley, awesome stuff! Didn't know your full repertoire. I just now found your blog (and the blogs you linked to) -- I have one too! Now I'm humbled and feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. Been so busy in the Media Studio I didn't even have a chance to stop by while I was working on the sculpts.
I wasn't sure if I should post on your most recent blog or the one I had a question on - Can I get a price on a Godzilla Bust - looks great! Also I purchased a Tristar Godzilla "Under the Table" many years ago at a resin model show - Mine didn't come with Eggs or Babies, Is It something you are still selling? Can I get an Upgrade on the base? Great work & Thanks, Devin Roy
awesome boobies and oh what a glori-asss!!!!!!
凄く困ってます☆ love-cac@docomo.ne.jp すぐに連絡ください
今まで同い年や年下としか付き合ったことなくて疲れてしまいました…優しくリードしてくれるような大人の男性に憧れます。 ayu-cha@docomo.ne.jpよかったらメールしてみてください。
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