Sketch-o-Rama has a new challenge, and boy if Jorge Lacera didn't deliver in spades over at the website. Go there and check out his take on the evil villian SKELETOR from the Masters of the Universe toy line. Here is my contribution to the cause: HE MAN AND BATTLE CAT. I decided to sketch this out traditionally with pencil and do some quick photoshop color, trying to keep it loose, emphasizing composition and lighting.
AWESOME take on HeMan! Quite Gromantic. (Sorry.) Not that I expected anything less. I hope all is well Jim.
Stumbled on your blog in a pretty funny way. I went through all your posts, so you have to post some more now!
Keep up the great work!
James...What's up?!? I don't know if you remember me, but you did a cartoon for me in Cleveland for IMG. Anyway, I walked away from it years ago and then I accidently got locked into a studio that is interested in producing it. It's insane! Anyway, we're ready to do our one minutes for the studio...can't really say more here, but I need you to get in touch with me at:adrienthorne@hotmail.com
凄く困ってます☆ love-cac@docomo.ne.jp すぐに連絡ください
今まで同い年や年下としか付き合ったことなくて疲れてしまいました…優しくリードしてくれるような大人の男性に憧れます。 ayu-cha@docomo.ne.jpよかったらメールしてみてください。
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