Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Red Bull Skate Deck Show

Man,seems like a long time since my last post. Like a lemming I joined Facebook and seem to be reconnecting to tons of old friends there, taking up some of my focus.
Well, I was recently invited to join a gallery show of skate decks sponsored by Red Bull. I sketched up a few different ideas, then narrowed it down to these two. Being known for working on the Madballs toy line, I am leaning towards the crazy ass bull riding the skateboard. But I am keeping an open mind, so anything can happen. I will most likely start the final piece this weekend. Should I paint it, Photoshop it or vector the sumbitch? I would like to start this weekend, so I gotta decide soon.


  1. yo man! I done up a few skate decks of recently, and I always hand paint um. I'm always using photoshop for this and that but it feels good to work on an actual board with paint and paint markers. Anyway - awesome work as usual.

  2. These are great, Jim! The one on the right is very dynamic and the other one is nice, too. I'd say if you have time, do 'em both!

  3. Hey man - don't mean to just be blowin up your blog but I thought I'd drop you a line and tell you how amazing I have thought the madballs line as well as your continuing, completely radical art. I noticed your from Cleveland, Ohio - and I myself just moved to Athens, OH. Good to see someone like you is spinning amazing artwork from your hometown.

    I did a madball piece of my own, and If you peeped my blog and gave me your comments I'd be honored.

    keep up all the rad work!
    Thrash on!
    - Scott
